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7 Chakras Sounds, Chants & Frequencies

Vibrational Frequencies of the 7 Chakras

“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.” ~ Pythagoras

Everything, including your mind and body, is in a constant state of vibration. Sound is a vibration that resonates with the soul, which can be felt in every cell of our body. Sound has the power to heal not only on a physical level but also on emotional and spiritual levels.

The seven energy centers in our body or chakras have their own frequency, and certain sounds have the vibrational power to tap into those chakra frequencies, and bring it into balance and harmony. These sounds awaken a specific emotional state and wisdom within us — starting from the root into the pelvis, the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown of the head.

Healing the Chakras with Music


Each of the seven chakras gets energized by seven musical notations C D E F G A B.

The root chakra is energized by C, navel chakra by D, solar plexus by E, heart chakra by F, throat chakra by G, third eye by A and the crown chakra by B.

Each sound helps in healing of the organs related to that specific chakra.

Balancing The Chakras Using Vowel Sounds

In addition to the musical notations, there are various vowels which help in the process of chakra healing. All the vowels create different frequency waves, and the frequency of a vowel matches the frequency of a particular chakra, and stimulates that chakra. Make these sounds in a gentle voice – don’t strain.


The beautiful thing about using vowel sounds is there is no language or words to use so it is accessible to all. We can direct these vowel sounds to different energy centres in the body. After taking a gentle breath in we release the chosen vowel sound with our voice.​ This directs the tone to that energy centre in the body and can bring balance and healing to that area.

This 30 minute guided meditation uses the seven mantra vowels as taught in the Kundalini series in order to heal the full chakra system of the body. This meditation will teach you how to say the mantras in the correct order when working with all of them. The meditation will stop at 30 minutes but feel free to continue to say the mantras if you are enjoying it while in a deep state.

Each center in the body has its own note, and it responds when we sound it. He who sounds the proper vowels — the seven vowels of Nature — harmonises these centers. To evoke the activity of our latent atomic centres we use the seven vowels of Nature, called mantras.

Awaken Your Chakras and Restore

Your Spiritual Abilities with the Seven Mantra Vowels

The letter 'I' makes the pituitary and the pineal glands vibrate; thus, the human being becomes clairvoyant.


The letter E makes the thyroid gland vibrate; thus the human being becomes clairaudient.

The letter O makes the chakra of the heart vibrate; thus the human being becomes intuitive.

The letter U awakens the solar plexus; thus the human being awakens telepathy.

The letter A makes the chakra of the lungs vibrate; thus, the human being acquires the power of remembering his past lives.

The letter M vibrates the prostatic/uterine chakra, which grants the power to consciously depart in the Astral Body.

The vowel S efficiently helps in the development of all of the spiritual powers.

One hour of daily vocalization is worth more than reading a million books of pseudo-spirituality." - Samael Aun Weor

Chakras and Musical Notes in the West


A Benedictine monk named Guido d’Arezzo was familiar with the Indian sargam. He invented a similar system to use with Western music. Guido felt that most of the Gregorian chants popular at that time could easily be learned by singers if they could associate visual symbols with particular syllables and sounds. In this way, they could see the tonal progression up and down the scale. 

Guido assigned a specific syllable to each of the note of the musical scale:

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do. These syllables came from Ut Quent Laxis, a well-known hymn of the Middle Ages that was chanted for vespers or evening service.

Each succeeding line of the song started one note higher that the previous one. Guido used the first two letters of the opening words from each line to create a western form of solfege.

The Western Solfeggio System

The Western system is familiar as DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI, DO.


Again, the sounds are assigned to each chakra: 

DO (root chakra) 

RE (sacral chakra)

MI (solar plexus chakra) 

FA (heart chakra) 

SO (throat chakra) 

LA (third eye chakra) 

TI (crown chakra)


The Western system is called solemnization or the solfeggio (solfege) system. 

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© 2023 by Terri Benning

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