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Create Your Own Despacho

Ayni ~The HeArt of Sacred Reciprocity

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Valentine's Day Despacho ~ February 2017 

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What Is A Despacho? 

In Peru, the indigenous people of the Andean highlands celebrate everyday life through endless forms of ritual expression. These people, known as the Paqokuna, understand ceremonial reverence is a key component to personal growth, communal health, and fostering a life of balance with the natural world. As such, there are ceremonies for nearly everything.


One of the most beautiful, and effective of these ceremonies is known as the Haywarikuy, or “Earth Offering Ceremony.” This ceremony uses objects, such as flowers, minerals, and human made items to be the carriers of prayer for the community. Through a guided ritual process we create this offering together, filling it with our love and intention, and when it is complete it is offered to the Earth in reverence. This ceremony, lovingly shared by the Paqokuna and now offered by a growing community of medicine holders on all continents, is expressed with an artistic elegance of color, aroma, sound, and creativity, using aesthetics and beauty as its medium.

The despacho is an offering of “food” and prayers to the unseen beings with the intention of acknowledging our connection to ALL of creation. Gratitude, humility, relationship to Spirit is key to it “working” and being a vital practice – as opposed to an empty rite. Together we leave our burdens, express our gratitude for what we have, envision what we want to create for the future and honor all.


Aspects of Spirit that are honored:


Tirakuna (south)

The “watchers” – guardians over sites in the natural world. They are the vigilant aspect of a place, and help us connect to Pachamama – Mother Earth - for bodily healing, vitality and they help us be mindful.
Food:  animal products, fat, fur, blood, butter, hair, etc . . .


Auquis (west)

Plant spirits, devas, nomes, fairies – they are responsible for all plant growth. Particularly helpful to us in matters of the heart. Think about how you feel when you are in nature. Green – is the color associated with the heart chakra.

Food: plants matter, dried flowers, nuts/seeds/coffee/cocoa


Malquis (north)

Ancient tree beings that span all 3 worlds/spirit realms – Lower, Middle and Upper. They join “heaven and earth”. They are the stewards of Pachamama (Mama Earth) They help us connect to Spirit and the nature of all existence.
Food: minerals, rocks, crystals, sand, dirt


Machula Aulanchis (east)

Benevolent ancient ones, were once human, often our ancestors – now sharing divine inspiration with us for all that we humans create – they are our muses. Food: human-made items. Prayers, drawings, beads, money, anything created by humans that can be safely burned/buried/put in the ocean.


Apu Kuna (center)

Highest spiritual guides, they are the mountain spirits. Regulating energy of divine, compassionate love and energy that flows into everything, and animates all. They are the patrons of life on this planet. Food: incense, tobacco, sage, coca, bay leaves


"To know reality one cannot stand outside of it and intellectualize about it, one must enter into it, become it and experience it. Then the mind becomes quiet, at peace with itself. The beauty of living and the beauty of the earth unfolds and one's actions are no longer self-centered and destructive. Every action becomes creative. The fire of discontent changes from a destructive force consuming our lives into a bright luminous light that fills our lives with peace and joy." 


~ John Coleman, in "The Quiet Mind"

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Medicine Songs for Creating Your Despacho

The 7 Directions Lyrics


To the Above, May You Inspire Us
To the Below, May You Sustain Us
To the Behind, May You Protect Us
To the Before, May You Guide Us
To the Left, May You Purify Us
To the Right, May You Strengthen Us
To the Within, May You Re-Member Us


To the Above, May You Inspire Us
To the Below, May You Sustain Us
To the Behind, May You Protect Us
To the Before, May You Guide Us
To the Left, May You Purify Us
To the Right, May You Strengthen Us
To the Within, May You Re-Member Us


Oh Saywa, Qori K’anchay
Oh Saywa Khuyay

Oh Saywa, Qori K’anchay
Oh Saywa Khuyay


To the Above, May You Inspire Us
To the Below, May You Sustain Us
To the Behind, May You Protect Us
To the Before, May You Guide Us
To the Left, May You Purify Us
To the Right, May You Strengthen Us
To the Within, May You Re-Member Us


Oh Saywa, Qori K’anchay
Oh Saywa Khuyay

Oh Saywa, Qori K’anchay
Oh Saywa Khuyay

The 7 Directions Medicine Song

by The Sāmi Brothers

                     Listen Here:

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See More Despacho Design Inspiration Ideas HERE


 Despacho Consecration & Creation Instructions

(Click on the first image to see slide show instructions)

© 2023 by Terri Benning

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