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Kundalini Awakening ~ What Is It?


What Is a Kundalini Awakening?

To understand how you may feel integrating and moving forward after a Kundalini awakening, we are going to cover exactly what an awakening of your Kundalini energy is. The Kundalini energy is represented by a serpent coiled around the base of the spine at the sacrum.

It is here since our birth and when awakened it snakes throughout our entire chakra system clearing any remaining blockages from its path and removing any attachment to ego so that this pure shakti (divine feminine) energy can flow through us.

The awakening of Kundalini energy is said to remove duality and clear your being so that prana (life-force energy) can flow through you freely. This creates an ego death and opens heightens your awareness to a new level of sensitivity.

What Happens After The Initial Uncoiling?

When the Kundalini energy first uncoils itself and awakens it is very intense. Some people feel it as blissful while others struggle through it entirely. Although the entire awakening process is divine transcendence as people are experiencing a death of their ego and rewiring of cells.

We all know that deep transformation is not always comfortable. Now the question is what happens next? How do we integrate with this deep awakening?

If you are new to meditation and are experiencing symptoms of a Kundalini awakening, meditation is key to integrating and moving forward through this journey. 

As described above the destruction of the ego and reconnection to the infinite nature of life is the first stage of awakening the Kundalini energy. This stage is in fact related to the Goddess Kali, the Goddess of divine destruction.

She removes the veils of illusion and the attachments you have had to the material world. The energy that then comes after Kali is the Goddess Durga.

She is known as the mother of the universe and goddess of war. She uses the Shakti energy to protect people while also removing that which has been holding you back including from built-up karma and past lives.

The next step is freedom and coming into a state of pure awareness. However, once your Kundalini has been awakened you can support the process of transformation in many ways.

Most importantly that would be by developing a spiritual practice that feels right to you. This can mean beginning or expanding a daily meditation practice, learning or more deeply committing to your yoga practice, or even combining practices such as journaling to create a morning ritual.

Once your Kundalini energy has been awakened your spiritual journey has been deeply set into motion. Practices that help you focus on dissolving the ego, letting go of attachment to the physical plane, and finding like-minded people is all part of the process.

When you assist your spiritual awakening the uncomfortable effects of the Kundalini rising begins to fade away. The more you resist the process the more resistance you find within all aspects of your life.

Letting go of identifying with the personality and surrendering to your higher self creates bliss and ease throughout your journey as well as creates a constant flood of growth due to the state of non-attachment.

After the initial rise in consciousness with the Kundalini if instead of transforming the personality we cling to the it then the we become stagnant and stay mixed into the illusion of identifying with the mind.


Kundalini energy, commonly spoken about in meditation, yoga, and spiritual teachings. It is a deep, intense, and abrupt transformation that comes from awakening a powerful dormant energy within you. It creates a lasting impact of heightened senses, higher consciousness, and death of the ego.

What Is Kundalini Energy?


Stemming from the roots of ancient India, the Kundalini energy spreads throughout a wide range of esoteric traditions such as Taoism, Gnostic mystical tradition, Tantra, and Kabbalah. It is taught within the Upanishads, a Vedic collection of writings that influenced both Hinduism and Buddhism.

Kundalini energy is said to be coiled around the base of the spine, or the Muladhara chakra, 3 and 1/2 times. It is within us since the time of birth and typically lies dormant within our energy field unless awakened.

Kundalini energy is divine feminine or Shakti energy. It is our creative power and It has the power to stimulate, heighten, and awaken our senses and our being to higher levels of consciousness.

It is said to awaken throughout all seven of the chakras and to the crown of the head, the Sahasrara chakra. Through tantric traditions, it is said that the pure masculine energy, Shiva, is located at the crown of the head.

As the feminine Shakti Kundalini energy merges with the divine masculine, Shiva energy through kundalini awakening, it is believed to represent the unity of duality and to bring us beyond the illusion of such.

Along the way up the spine and through the chakra system, Kundalini energy raises the vibration of your entire energy field. Perhaps you may be wondering exactly what it would feel like to have a Kundalini serpent awaken and transform your entire being. 


What a Kundalini Energy Awakening Feels Like


The kundalini awakening is a spiritual awakening. This process of kundalini awakening is always in divine timing as your soul is constantly creating your own reality therefore, bringing you the exact experience you need.

Being symbolized by a snake is no coincidence with the Kundalini Energy. Snake venom can be deadly as well as a life-saving medicine. This speaks about the process of awakening kundalini which can be both blissful or uncomfortable.

Although as you have experienced in life (we all have) intense transformation and potent divine blessings can come specifically from difficult and even seemingly negative experiences.

We mention this because as Kundalini energy is awakened there is of course a deep transformation happening which includes shifting the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. It is typically categorized as a quantum jump rather than a gradual unraveling.

Some of the symptoms include vibrating or shaking, surges of energy throughout the body, psychic visions, and a quite expansive shift in the mental perspective.

This can include feeling disassociated due to the shift within your personal identity, dissolvement of the ego, and destruction of attachment.

There is nothing wrong with either process, although it is important to understand that you can surrender to the process and find a seat of relaxation while you allow the transformation to pass through you.

Grounding exercises can help bring ease to a Kundalini awakening as well as being gentle, compassionate, and listening to your inner voice on what your needs are. This can include taking time to be alone in nature or even practice grounding yoga.

How to Awaken the Chakras: Introduction to Kundalini Energy

(Ep. 1 of 9 total)


An in-depth guide to understand the process of awakening the Chakras and Kundalini. This series consists of 9 episodes providing deep insights into the nature of each chakra and practices to activate them consciously. Areas covered are science, psychology, energy work, Astral projection, telepathy, Christianity, Ancient Egypt, esoteric symbolism and more. Discover the power of the cosmos that's expressed as 7 manifestations of intelligence within you.

© 2023 by Terri Benning

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