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Create Your Chakra Animal Totem Pole

Zoom Presentation by Terri Benning

A Shamanic Journey to Meet Your Root Chakra Animal Totem

Teri Totem Bkg1.jpeg

Terri's Totem Pole

7 Sacred Center Chakra Animals


This beautiful work of art was a gift from Arvel Bird and his lady, Karen Reedstrom following the completion of our first 7 Chakras Animal Totem Pole class in November of 2022. Thank you, Arvel & Karen!

Muladhara - Root Chakra Page Link Here


Welcome Greeting with Terri

* Virtual Smudging and Group Clearing 

* Grounding Meditation

* Opening Message from Michael 

* Journeying Basics 

   (Meditation vs. Journeying)

* The Three Worlds 

   (Lower, Middle and Upper Visuals)

* Drumming and Call Back Demo

* Shamanic Journey to Meet Your

   Root Chakra Animal Totem 

* Go To: Create Your Inner Totem Pole

* Close Circle with Metta Prayer 

7 Chakras 15 Minutes Daily

Mantra Chanting Meditation


1st Root Chakra: LAM

2nd Sacral Chakra: VAM

3rd Solar Plexus Chakra: RAM

4th Heart Chakra: YAM

5th Throat Chakra: HAM

6th Brow Chakra: OM

7th Crown Chakra: AUM

We have seven chakras, each chakra resonates with a particular sound frequency and each chakra has its own seed mantra, reciting that seed mantra in the musical note that resonates with the chakras vibrational frequency is the most effective way to balance and open the chakra through meditation. For best results complete all 7 Chakras.


The Metta Prayer


May I be happy

May I be free from suffering

May I have ease of well being.

May I awaken to the light of my own true nature.


May you be happy

May you be free from suffering

May you have ease of well being

May you awaken to the light of your own true nature. 


May all sentient beings be happy.

May all sentient beings be free from suffering

May all sentient beings have ease of well being.

May all sentient beings awaken to the light of their own true nature. 


© 2023 by Terri Benning

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